Your style has evolved over the years but you're not quite sure how you want to dress or what works for you today.
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get clear on your personal style 


You've been shopping for clothes one piece or outfit at a time but you still don't feel these outfits truly represent your authentic self.

You want to better understand how you want to look and dress for your unique body. 

This style package is a perfect blend of style exploration & 1:1 coaching to give you the action plan you need to build a wardrobe that finally represents who you are today.

Does this sound like something you need?

find your style zone

Pre-work: Identify what's working/ not working with your wardrobe today, & guided style discovery exercise

90 minute, 1-on-1 Zoom call, where I will be your guide to solve your style & fit challenges. I'll provide solutions that will help you become a more informed shopper so you can buy clothes that fit your style, lifestyle, and your unique body.

At the end of our time together, you'll receive a personalized STYLE SCRIPT which contains everything you need to build a wardrobe that works for you. You'll have clarity on your personal style, know what best suits your unique body, 5 grab-and-go outfit combinations to streamline your mornings, a color palette to work from, and a shopping list of the items to consider adding to your wardrobe.

BONUS: 1 month membership to STYLE ACCESS, valued at $450+

Add-on: virtual shopping for wardrobe gaps $197

here's what's included:

what happens next?

Fill out the contact form below to get started. You'll immediately receive a Style Consult form which helps me understand where you are in your style journey. You'll also receive a link to schedule our 90-minute call.




Once you've scheduled the call, you'll receive the pre-work needed to prep for our 1-on-1 coaching call. Don't worry, I'll be your guide during the pre-work too. 

During our call, you'll get the clarity and inspiration you need to build a wardrobe that empowers you to style with confidence. 

After the call, you'll receive your personalized STYLE SCRIPT which gives you your  personal style defined, tips for dressing your unique body, style tips, outfit combinations, color palette, shopping list, and more! 

let's do this!